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3x25 - The Flying Doctors

No Way Back

Poster della serie The Flying Doctors

Emma is visiting a lady called Ann Williams on a farm outside of town. George Baxter wants to buy the property, but Ann doesn't want to sell, she has too many memories from the farm, where she lost her child a few years back. While Emma is out there, Sam visits, and suddenly Emma get a horrible stomach pain. She realizes there's something wrong with the baby, and George Baxter, who is in the neighbourhood, offers to give her and Sam a lift to the hospital. When they arrive in Coopers Crossing, Emma has lost her baby. Emma seem to recover, but an argument with Sam reveals she's really feeling terrible. Ann has decided to sell the property and go into the city. She doesn't want George to get a cheep price so she keeps an auction. The property is sold...to Sam Patterson!! Geoff finally agrees to go flying with Chris in her Tiger Moth. He is terrifid...but he survives!

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25 Agosto 1988
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