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3x26 - Bear in the Big Blue House

A Berry Bear Christmas, Part 2

Poster della serie Bear in the Big Blue House

Continuing from part one of the Berry Bear Christmas special, the entire gang (now with Jack) goes out caroling. As the kids settle down to try to figure out what to do about a Christmas present for Bear, Bear turns his attention to the finding of the winter berry. Jack overhears the kids' conversation and suggests making something. In the Shadow segment, Shadow sings a song about a Hanukah dreidel. She then wants to give Bear a present, but says there isn't much a shadow can give a bear. So she has him kneel down and she gives him a kiss. Everyone enjoys their presents, but they worry that they've left out Jack. Jack helps them to see that they've already given him a gift -- a peaceful, happy holiday in a warm house with good friends. Later, the search for the winter berry proves fruitful for all.

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6 Dicembre 1999
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