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3x27 - Undressed

Episode 327

Poster della serie Undressed

Sid/Hal written by Dave Holden, directed by Tim Andrew Hal is convinced his friend Sid is gay and is in love with him. Hal confronts Sid about it, but Sid just kisses him instead, saying their is no word to explain what he feels for him, just a kiss will do. Hal's screenplay was choosen to be performed in front of the whole school, and Mitch, Gal's (Hal's sister) boyfriend is choosen to be one of the leads. When Mitch and Hal practice infront of Sid, Sid gets the clue that Hal wrote it based on them. Hal says they have to kiss right after this scene, but Mitch objects. Sid also objects to the screenplay and asks Mitch if he could leave him alone with Hal. He leaves, and Sid tells him he knows about the play, and if Hal performs in it, their relationship is over. Nicole/Joel/Elyse written by Erica Rothschild and Steven S. DeKnight, directed by Paula Goldberg Nicole finally tells Elyse that she liked Dirk, so Elyse lets her have him. Nicole tells Elyse she didn't feel anything bec

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24 Agosto 2000
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