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3x3 - Penn & Teller: Bullshit!

Conspiracy Theories

Poster della serie Penn & Teller: Bullshit!

Conspiracies have been around for as long as there have been people to plot them. They are everywhere! In the age of the Internet, rumors circulate at the speed of a mouse click. Millions of people have lost trust in our scientific, military, and government establishments, so they seek to find the "truth" themselves. This leads to shadowy rumors of world domination, corruption, and evil plots behind every corner. We will look at some of the more current and sinister conspiracies. Did a missile shoot down TWA Flight 800 and did President Clinton try to cover it up? Was 9/11 plotted by rogue elements of our own government in cahoots with Al Qaeda? Both of our Presidential candidates were members of a secret organization that's rumored to be running the world. And then there are the favorite conspiracies that refuse to go away, who killed JFK or Princess Di? Did we really land on the moon?

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9 Maggio 2005
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