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3x3 - East West 101


Poster della serie East West 101

The mysterious double murder of a Jewish couple leaves few leads. According to the woman’s son, David, a large amount of cash is missing, along with the student who was living with them, a Palestinian. Detective Travis is surprised. What’s a Palestinian doing in a Jewish household? Malik locates the missing Palestinian student, who is hiding something. Guilt, or is he just defensive, born out of experiences back home? But the Palestinian is not the only one hiding things. The woman’s son is lying about critical evidence. The conflict between the two detectives, Travis and Malik, spreads from the Middle East to the unsolved crimes of multiple murder and armed robbery. Two drug importers, Yasser and Rizk, are in the morgue. Shot at close quarters, next to the container of heroin they had imported from Afghanistan. Who killed them and why? Is the importation of heroin linked to the armed robbery, or something completely separate? Evidence leads the cops to ex navy diver, Ryan Hunter. But why would a diving instructor knock a couple of Arab drug importers? What they discover changes the direction of the investigation into the armed robbery and subsequent murders.

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4 Maggio 2011
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