Pagina dell'episodio'

3x4 - Yes, Dear

House of the Rising Son

Poster della serie Yes, Dear

Big Jimmy and Kitty pay another visit to LA. Greg and Kim learn that Grammy's house was located smack in the middle of two restaurants, because, despite all the offers, she refused to sell it in the face of development. Now that Grammy is gone, Big Jimmy refuses to sell it as well, even though Kitty wants to move into a retirement home. Big Jimmy has a one-on-one with his son to see if he and his family would like to move out of the guest house and into Grammy's house with him and Kitty. Jimmy feels bad that he has to decline the offer, as his father hardly ever reaches out to him. Jimmy soon finds out, though, that the only reason the offer was made is because Grammy left the house to him and not her own son, and Big Jimmy, who's been living in it for free, was worried Jimmy would sell it out from under him. Jimmy is so infuriated that his dad lied to him that he threatens to do just that -- a threat which doesn't last long when Big Jimmy admits he's destitute. Meanwhile, Greg goes sh

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14 Ottobre 2002
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