Pagina dell'episodio'

3x4 - Undressed

Episode 304

Poster della serie Undressed

Elvis/Susie/Sam written by Jason Berlin & Rico Gagliano, directed by Tim Andrew They make a rule that all three must be present in order to have sex, but they break it, when Elvis goes to a study break. He finds out about it, and breaks up with Susie and Sam. But this is all new to them, and Elvis returns, saying that he wants to try it out, and they welcome him back into the relationship. [This segment ends.] Jane/Richard written by Steven S. DeKnight, directed by Danny Salles Jane and Richard decide to have sex, but cannot due to all the weirdness of being step brother, and step sister. [This segment ends.] Zia/Helen/Beth written by Damon Lindelof, directed by Paula Goldberg Beth goes for another kill with Helen, but Helen clues her in that she loves Zia. As this segment ends, Helen and Zia share a kiss. [This segment ends.]

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13 Luglio 2000
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