Pagina dell'episodio'

3x5 - Monster Rancher

The Powerful Wonder Brothers

Poster della serie Monster Rancher

While Mocchi is searching for food, he chance upon the Wondar Brothers. The younger Wondar is a huge Hare Type monster with immense strength while the elder Wondar is good with his brains. Mocchi brought them and their gift of gigantic potatoes back to the gang. Just as they were about to become good friends, the elder Wondar revealed that their goals clash, for he wants his younger brother to become the strongest monster there is! So they had a little sparring session and saw for themselves the immense potential of Mocchi and the younger Wondar, but most important of all, the great friendship between the two. Unknown to the rest, the younger of the brothers actually doesn't like to fight but wants to grow crops all his life but dare not speak up. Later, they part their ways but not before the elder Wondar added some sleeping powder to their stew. His aim is to take their Mystery Disc and hide it so he would not meet them in the next competition! When the Drill Tusks dispatched by General Durahan attacks, the gang finds the disc missing and this led the Drill Tusks to seek and attack the Wondar Brothers! How will it all turn out?!

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17 Settembre 2001
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