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3x5 - The Amanda Show

Episode 35

Poster della serie The Amanda Show

Amanda read Josh's horoscope and Drake got grabbed by sailors, stuffed into a blue garbage can, hickered at, hit with a lamp, and comes out wearing a pink dress. Amanda's opening got bad when her lower body disappeared. There was an advertisment for The Grown-Up Remote. We're back in time for a serious documentary titled ""When Hula Girls Attack"", King Henry VIII stoped by Amanda's Jacuzzi, and there's a sketch that I call ""The Fridgers"". Penelope forced Barney to tell where Amanda wass and if he didn't want to, Penelope will eat his shrimp cocktail Kathy delivered him. Amanda was closing the show when the director told her there was a speck of dirt on the camera. Amanda tried to get it off but she couldn't. Then Drake came along and he tried to get it off and it still wouldn't come off. Then Nancy came and had a hammer and chiesel and tried to get it off. But it wouldn't. And the three of them were crowded around 1 camera. Then Barney came, and asked what they were looking

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20 Aprile 2002
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