Pagina dell'episodio'

3x6 - ThunderCats

Totem of Dera

Poster della serie ThunderCats

Mumm-ra finds the Totem of Dera (a part of the T-cat treasure) which has special healing powers and can bring inanimate objects to life. He gives it to Vulture-Man and the Mutants so they can make a device to destroy the T-cats. After making the device, the mutants decide to test it near a swamp. At Cat's Lair, Lion-O sees that there is some mutant activity near the swamp. He, Wilykit, and Snarfer decide to check it out. When going to the swamp, the Hovercat is brought down by a swamp monster made by the device. The Hovercat crashes in the swamp, and Lion-O gets intoxicated by the deadly swamp water. Jaga appears and tells Snarfer that he must get the Totem of Dera to heal Lion-O. Snarfer gets the Totem and succeeds in healing Lion-O. Lion-O calls on the T-cats to try to kill the swamp monster. When all their weapons prove ineffective against the monster, the T-Cats come up with the idea to dissolve the monster in water and they succeed in defeating it.

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12 Settembre 1988
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