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3x6 - The Bachelorette

Week 4 (Season 3)

Poster della serie The Bachelorette

THE RACE IS ON TO THE TOP OF THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING TO WIN A ROMANTIC EVENING WITH JEN, ON ABC'S ""THE BACHELORETTE"" Fabrice Makes a Startling Announcement that Shocks Jen, And a Man Walks Out of the Rose Ceremony ""Episode 304"" - A surprise visit from Chris Harrison on a group date in Little Italy sends the men on a foot race to the top of the Empire State Building. Stripped of all their money, the men will have to get creative in order to be the first to the top. That one guy will get to spend the rest of the evening alone with Jen. In another competition, the men write anonymous letters to Jen describing why they feel they would be a good husband. Jen will have to choose the two best letters, and those men win individual dates with her. One lucky guy will get to spend an intimate evening at Frederick P. Rose Hall, the new home of Jazz at Lincoln Center, which includes a special performance by Concord Records' artist Peter Cincotti. Then, Jen and another lucky guy will strap on th

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31 Gennaio 2005
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