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3x7 - Undressed

Episode 307

Poster della serie Undressed

Paula/Jim written by Katy Ballard, directed by Tim Andrew Paula asks Jim for help on getting Michael, and he's been really stuborn about it. She then tells him that she needs help kissing, so they kiss. She reveals that she doesn't like Kurt, but wants Michael. Being a friend, he does help her, Although being a good brother, Michael said to back down from Paula, despite having a girlfriend, and that Jim did kiss her first, where they were little. Paula wants to take a bath, so she does. Jim tells Michael that Paula is naked... with bubbles... 4 feet away... in the bathroom, and Michael tells him he has to do ""something."" Michael goes into the bathroom, ""looking"" for his tooth brush, but talks with Paula instead. Kurt comes home, and Jim tells him everything between him and Paula. All of sudden they hear giggles from the bathroom, and they head in, thinking that Michael was doing something. Paula screams, and they say sorry thinking that ""something"" was interrupting her, but Ji

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19 Luglio 2000
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