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3x8 - Phi Brain: Puzzle of God

Farewell Forever

Poster della serie Phi Brain: Puzzle of God

Freecell and Melancholy soon come to understand Kaito's message, allowing the four of them to reach a solution that allows everyone to escape alive. Afterwards, Melancholy invites everyone to her mansion for dinner, where she lives alone with her maid and butler. Later that night, Kaito and the others come across a room filled with puzzles Melancholy made for her Master Brain training, which helps Freecell rekindles his love of puzzles. Still holding onto her hatred, Melancholy burns all of her puzzles. The next day, however, the others come across her feeling remorse, realizing she made puzzles because she was lonely, and ask to become her friends, to which she stubbornly declines. Not wanting to give up, Freecell asks Kaito to design a crossword puzzle for her to solve after they leave, saying they will meet again. Meanwhile, Raetsel suspects something is up with Enigma.

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24 Novembre 2013
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