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3x8 - The Wonderful World of Disney

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Meet Eve (Tyra Banks). With her cloud of dark hair, stunning green eyes, and long legs that never seem to quit, she is a paragon of beauty. Eve loves to have fun. In her orange convertible, she dashes to the mall on a shopping spree or out dancing with one of her many beaus, the belle of the ball. She can do anything. Eve has been a police officer, a secretary, and a doctor. On top of that, she is the perfect homemaker at her little house in Sunnyvale. And Eve can talk -- she is every girl's special friend. She does favor glitzy jewelry and clothes, but what else would you expect from a plastic toy doll? Cut from a television commercial to the real world, where 12-year-old Casey Mitchell (Lindsay Lohan) is in the middle of a co-ed football game. She gets into a scrap with another player -- a boy who blames her for his fumbles -- but what really bothers her is that, yet again, her father has failed to keep his promise to show up. Ben Mitchell (Jere Burns) is immersed in work at his law

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4 Marzo 2000
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