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4x11 - Ballykissangel

It's a Man's Life

Poster della serie Ballykissangel

Niamh's and Ambrose's relationship is disintegrating and he takes it out on everyone else by applying the letter of the law. He doesn't know where to start to repair his marriage, and things are made more difficult when Niamh confesses her problems to Sean. Kathleen receives a valuable package from a former boyfriend, and Aidan sets them up with as reunion. They had agreed that he would go to England, and then come back when he had enough money for them to get married. She lent him money but never heard from him again. That's the reason she never married. Donal is appointed as Liam's boss when he suggests a moneymaking scheme to Brian - retrieving golf balls out of the lake on the course, and reselling them. They manage to pull all kinds of things out of the lake, including a section of a Russian satellite, but have trouble finding what they are actually looking for. While Niamh is in Dublin, Kieran makes a nuisance of himself with whoever is looking after him. Siobhan can't cope with

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29 Novembre 1998
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