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4x16 - Undressed

Episode 416

Poster della serie Undressed

Eddie, Eve/Darren, Amy written by Dave Holden and Erin Ehrlich, directed by Tim Andrew Amy has Eddie try getting back with Eve. Eve, Amy and Eddie are altogether and Amy makes Eddie choose. Eddie chooses Eve, but Eve runs off. Darren overhears the decision and becomes upset. Amy congratulates Eddie, but then Eddie tells Amy that he was being for real with his decision. Amy gets mad and breaks up with Eddie; she heads for her dressing room, only to find out her dress has become so small (thanks to Eve trimming it down every night). Darren, Eve, and Eddie all get a good kick out of it and leave. Eve tells Eddie she's sorry, but they'll never work out. Eddie is understanding and leaves. Darren and Eve become a couple and plan on going to the cast party together. Then, they kiss. (this saga ends) --------------------------- Keith/Scott, Jen/Hank written by Michael Apostolina and Steven S. Deknight, directed by Dale Roy Robinson Keith goes to the laundry room where Hank is pressuring him

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15 Febbraio 2001
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