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4x18 - Full House

The Wedding (1)

Poster della serie Full House

Teaser: Danny tells Michelle that she'll be the flower girl at the wedding. Main Synopsis: It's the day before Jesse and Becky's wedding. Stephanie and D.J. are using Danny's camcorder to tape the events leading up to the wedding, and they also intend to tape the wedding. Becky's sister Connie Anderson has arrived and brought her son Howie with her, but Michelle and Howie don't remember each other from when Connie and Howie visited 2 years ago. Minutes later, Becky's parents Kenneth and Nedra arrive. Kenneth explains that they would have arrived earlier, had a man on a motorcycle not cut them off. Jesse shows up and explains that he would have been home earlier if he had not been stuck behind a slow driver. When Kenneth and Jesse see each other's faces, Kenneth realizes that Jesse was the man on the motorcycle and Jesse realizes that Kenneth was the slow driver. From the start, it seems that Jesse and Kenneth can't get along with each other. Later, Kenneth has a talk with Jesse, and

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8 Febbraio 1991
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