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4x2 - Undressed

Episode 402

Poster della serie Undressed

Randy/Gil/Alice/Marguerite written by Jason Berlin & Rico Gagliano, directed by Marcus Spiegel Randy double checks with Gil, if asking Marguerite out is fine with him. Gil has no problem with it. Randy asks Marguerite out, then asks Alice out, whom he secretly likes. Alice isn't sure Randy is ready for polyamory. ------------------------------- Lisa/Damon, Maggie/Ray written by Steven S. DeKnight, directed by Tim Andrew Lisa gives Maggie fake breasts to pad her bra with. Damon's cousin, Ray, is introduced to her, and they start to hit it off. Maggie isn't quite ready because of her breasts. She then tells Ray that it's her first time, with all of this, and he reveals it's his first time too. They don't do anything sexual but talk instead. Maggie then goes to Lisa for advice again. ------------------------------- Robert/Bobbi written by Jason Berlin & Rico Gagliano, directed by Dale Roy Robinson Bobbi puts up a curtain to divide their room in half. Robert, hears a buzzing sound,

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23 Gennaio 2001
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