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4x3 - The Wonderful World of Disney

The Growing Pains Movie

Poster della serie The Wonderful World of Disney

This movie reunites the Seavers from the long running television series. When we last saw them, Jason, Maggie, Ben, and Chrissy moved to Washington, while Mike stayed to work on his relationship with his girlfriend Kate, and Carol also stayed. The movie begins with Jason practicing in Washington, Chrissy is a film student, Mike is married to Kate and is henpecked, Carol is now a corporate lawyer, and Ben is looking for himself with very little luck. Maggie is working for an arrogant man, who is running for Congress, and is only doing it as a recreation. When they get into a disagreement, Maggie loses her job. Jason brings all the kids together for their anniversary. And it is there that one of Mike's adopted children encourages Maggie to run against her former boss. Which distresses everybody.

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5 Novembre 2000
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