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4x31 - Undressed

Episode 431

Poster della serie Undressed

Stanley/Christina/Robby, Josh/Winona written by: Steven S. Deknight, directed by: Tim Andrew Winona talks with Christina about last night. Christina tells her that she really loved Stanley and tells her about their first kiss: at a lake house under the stars. Winona and Josh set up the stage to be starry with crickets chirping. It leads Josh and Winona to kiss. Meanwhile, Robby and Christina are fighting again and then he leaves. Stanley comes by, leaving him and Christina alone. Winona and Josh cue the lights and sounds and it's perfect. They both admit their love for one another and kiss. When Christina asks Stanley why he never came for her the night she went poor, he said he didn't think she wanted to see him, so he never showed up. Christina starts getting back to reality and says she doesn't want to fall in love again because it took her too long to get over Stanley in the first place. ------------------------------------- Chuck/Angie, Grace, Joel written by: Steven S. Deknight,

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14 Marzo 2001
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