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4x33 - Undressed

Episode 433

Poster della serie Undressed

Adam/Sally, Red/Peggy written by: Erin Ehrlich, directed by: Tim Andrew Adam and Sally are best friends. They are studying for some tests and stuff and decide to check out Sally's sister, Peggy's, ""sex-shop."" They steal some edible undies and try eating them. Peggy and her boyfriend Red come back and start to make out. Sally and Adam discuss the upcoming dance. Adam wants to ask Jenny and Sally wants to go with Russell. Peggy comes to Sally's room and yells at her for going through her stuff. Later, Sally and Adam want to practice kissing so they don't look like fools in front of their dates. ---------------------------------- Chuck/Grace, Angie, Joel written by: Steven s. Deknight, directed by: Danny Salles Grace feels bad about what happened last night. She wants to give Chuck a second chance. She even tells off Angie to be with Chuck! Meanwhile, Chuck is trying to get with a girl, but no one will give him a chance. Not even Penelope! Grace meets up with Chuck and they're going to ha

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19 Marzo 2001
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