Pagina dell'episodio'

4x35 - Undressed

Episode 435

Poster della serie Undressed

Adam/Sally, Peggy/Red written by: Erin Ehrlich and Michael Udesky, directed by: Tim Andrew Sally is ready to continue ""sex-ucation"" with Adam. Adam really wants to let her know that he likes her, but she is more concerned if Adam asked Jenny to the dance yet. He hasn't, but then he calls her and tells her to go with him. Then, Adam and Sally talk about their dates' sex history. They both know that Russell has had sex, as well as Jenny. Adam steals a condom from Red's bag and gets caught. Red and Adam go to the bathroom and Red says he thinks it was cute that Adam wanted a condom, but he warns him that it could expire. Adam and Sally look at the condom and then practice kissing again. Sally gets an e-mail from Russell and it says he got a limo and hotel room for her and Adam and Jenny for after the dance. Adam leaves bummed out. --------------------------------- Chuck/""Farmer"" Melissa, Angie, Joel written by: Steven S. Deknight, directed by: Danny Salles Chuck and Melissa continue to se

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21 Marzo 2001
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