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4x4 - Living Single

Not So Silent Partner

Poster della serie Living Single

Khadijah is approached by Jeremy Mills, a corporate liaison whose employer, Majestic Publishing, would like to purchase a share of Flavor. Khadijah turns him down, noting that they are only interested because their copycat magazine failed. After the employees express the need for a medical plan and an issue is scuttled by a flood at the print shop, Khadijah finally decides to ""sell her soul"" by allowing Majestic to buy a 25 percent share. Khadijah does not take kindly to Jeremy's efforts to make himself the hero of the employees. When he fails to come through with the promised health plan, he tries to make Khadijah break the news to the staff. She goes to the head of the corporation and threatens to quit if the health plan is not granted. Jeremy lashes out at her for usurping his authority, so she challenges him to stay for the duration of one of the staff's all-night work sessions. He grows to realize how much work is put into the magazine. Regine falls into a deep funk as the result

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12 Settembre 1996
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