Pagina dell'episodio'

4x4 - The Fugitive

The Sharp Edge of Chivalry

Poster della serie The Fugitive

Kimble, working as an apartment janitor in a nameless big city, becomes implicated in a murder when Roger Roland, a neighbor whom lives across the street, is a troubled young man and a part of Irish royalty, but he profanes his family history by dying his red hair black. Roger murders a neighbor woman in the building where Kimble lives by bludgeoning her to death with a marble statue after she refuses his advances. After a tenant reports seeing a figure run from the murder victim's apartment, the police arrive and suspect Kimble despite his alibi. Roger then hides the statue in Kimble's room and when Kimble finds it, he hides it in an air conditioning vent. Kimble thinks Roger is involved and tells his father, Edward, and Roger's younger sister Liz. But naturally, Edward Roland refuses to believe Kimble and unbelievably thinks Kimble is the killer and calls the police. Kimble escapes and tries, with Liz's help, to prove his innocence. Meanwhile, Gerard arrives in town after hearing the

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4 Ottobre 1966
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