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4x5 - The Flying Doctors

Fair Go

Poster della serie The Flying Doctors

The mailman, old Frank, is retiring, and he introduces the new mailman, Nick to everyone in the district. When Nick is taking over, he charges double Frank's prices, which makes everyone upset. A lady called Gail Morris wanted to get a lift with the mailplane to a clinic when she wasn't feeling good, but changed her mind when she found out what it would cost. Later on she was found unconcious, it turned out she was a diabetic. Nick realized his mistakes, and lowered the prices. George is told of Kimberley's donation to Jack for the sports centre and tries to manipulate Jack and Chris into spending it on the Baxter Memorial Park. Jack and Chris investigate and discover that George is under a legal obligation to refurbish the park and it will cost him a fortune to do so. He is hoping they will fund it instead of the sports centre. Jack and Chris make plans but discover that George has lodged a complaint with the council about the site.

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6 Ottobre 1988
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