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4x6 - The Real Housewives of Atlanta

Three Wigs and a Baby

Poster della serie The Real Housewives of Atlanta

Kim doesn’t make it to her due date and gives birth to her first baby boy. Meanwhile, Cynthia and NeNe take a business trip to New York City, where Cynthia gets advice on her new modeling school from old flame, Russell Simmons, and reveals to her best friend Kithe that she’s not altogether happy with her life in Atlanta. NeNe meets with her business partner, Famous Famiglia Pizza's co-owner, John Kolaj, who seems interested in having much more than a business relationship with her. Shereé’s mother makes a revelation which gives Shereé the resolve to take Bob to court for child support. Kandi gets Mama Joyce dolled up for an online dating profile photo shoot. Phaedra demonstrates her talents as a lawyer by getting her client out of hot water for drug charges.

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11 Dicembre 2011
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