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4x6 - Curious George

Hundley's Great Escape (AKA: Curious George Ramps It Up)

Poster della serie Curious George

Hundley takes it upon himself to return the toy a baby dropped in his lobby. But when George sees Hundley racing down the street with the toy in his mouth, George thinks he wants to play, and this delays Hundley. Hundley is not happy to see the baby drive off in a bus sans toy and is even more upset when Gnocchi, who wants in on the fun, grabs the toy and disappears through Pisghetti's basement window. George and Hundley follow Gnocchi into the basement, only to have the door lock behind them. Uh-oh. George and Gnocchi can climb up and out the window, but Hundley can't. George comes to the rescue by constructing a ramp leading to the window that even the littlest Dachshund legs can climb. Now they just need to figure out where that baby went.

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12 Ottobre 2009
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