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4x6 - Undercover Boss

Stena Line

Poster della serie Undercover Boss

Gunnar Blomdahl, CEO of one of the UK's biggest ferry companies, Stena Line, goes undercover on some of his own fleet of ships to find out if the business is delivering its promise of convenient, efficient and relaxing travel. Stena has recently invested over one billion pounds in increasing the look and size of its operation, but Gunnar is worried that standards have slipped. What he discovers undercover shocks him - paying customers onboard a building site at sea, sub-standard customer service, and flawed design on a brand new superferry. When he meets foreign crew earning less than the UK minimum wage and staff dealing with the uncertainty of seasonal contracts he faces difficult moral questions, and is moved by a Filipino crew member coming to terms with the death of his daughter while working away from his family. When Gunnar returns to head office he's determined to make changes.

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6 Agosto 2012
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