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41x185 - The Young and the Restless

Episode 10305 - Thursday, December 12, 2013

Poster della serie The Young and the Restless

Sharon and Chloe prep a shoot with Summer and another model, Esmerelda.  Nick arrives and takes in the sight of how grown up Summer is.  Nick and Sharon console Chloe and try to offer support from their own experience with losing Cassie. Adam surprises Chelsea with a Christmas tree and tells her that he will make up for last year and make sure Connor’s first Christmas is great.   Paul tells Christine that it’s only a matter of time before one of the Baldwin’s goes to prison for killing Carmine.  Paul tells Christine that whoever shot Carmine probably did it in self-defense, but there is no way of knowing for sure.  Meanwhile, Fen tells Michael and Lauren that he needs to disappear.  Michael asks Fen to promise him that he will stay in Genoa City.  Later, Lauren tells Michael that they should consider going on the run since Fen’s sobriety chip is missing and if it turns up it could lead the police to think that he was the person who killed Carmine.

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12 Dicembre 2013
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