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5x10 - The Amazing Race

If They're Screwing the Helmet to My Head, It Can't Be Good

Poster della serie The Amazing Race

The teams receive a clue telling them to travel over 6,000 miles from Calcutta, India to Auckland, New Zeland. Then, they must drive an additional 220 miles to Rotorua, New Zealand. Flight struggles initially put one team behind, but then confusion over directions moves them into a surprise lead. The teams take part in a Detour: Clean or Dirty. The Clean option involves a scary water rafting trip, while the Dirty option involves searching for a clue in hot mud. Colin and Christie, Linda and Karen, and Chip and Kim choose the Clean option, while Brandon and Nicole and Kami and Karli opt to get dirty. A questionable decision on the part of one racer makes for an intense battle to avoid elimination. The teams complete a Roadblock that involves rolling down a hill inside a Zorb ball, then walking across a final line. They then check in at the Pit Stop, but it's finally too late for one team and they are eliminated.

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7 Settembre 2004
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