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5x2 - Property Brothers

Sandra and Kyle

Poster della serie Property Brothers

Sandra and Kyle have been renting her late grandma's shabby, outdated house and it's time for something more modern. They want an open concept design with a killer kitchen, on the subway line, and a short walk from all amenities. The Property Brothers come to the rescue helping them find a budget-friendly dream home that can be renovated on time.With a budget that doesn't match the couple's expectations, Drew and Jonathan struggle to sell the potential of a fixer-upper. This time, however, Drew's first suggestion is a real surprise. The house also holds some unwanted glitches that add time and money to the redesign. As Sandra and Kyle struggle with living above the renos, Jonathan compensates with some retail therapy. But when a planned living room feature is threatened, the couple could start to regret their decision unless Jonathan can work his usual magic in time for move-in day.

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4 Settembre 2013
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