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5x20 - Robot Wars

Heat C

Poster della serie Robot Wars

ALL STAR: Firestorm III Vs Panic Attack House Robots: Sir Killalot and Dead Metal Firestorm pinned Panic Attack against the wall. Panic Attack never recovered. ALL STAR: Behemoth Vs Hypno-Disc House Robots: Sgt. Bash and Dead Metal Dead Metal was given a yellow card for attacking Behemoth. When Dead Metal attacked Behemoth again, he was given a red card and sent back to his CPZ! Behemoth pushed Hypno-Disc onto the flame pit and Hypno-Disc broke down. MAYHEM: Wild Thing Vs Arnold A. Terminegger Vs Fluffy House Robots: Sgt. Bash and Sir Killalot Fluffy broke down. They were placed onto the floor flipper and flipped into the Pit! Wild Thing and Arnold A. fought until time ran out. The judges decided to let Arnold A. go through to the Annihilator. CHALLENGE BELT: Behemoth Vs Stinger House Robots: Sir Killalot and Dead Metal (if DM attacks Behemoth, it's off to the showers) Behemoth clamped Stinger in place with his scoop and axe and pushed Stinger into the Pit. INTERNATIONAL INFERN

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7 Giugno 2002
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