Pagina dell'episodio'

5x25 - Walker, Texas Ranger

Sons of Thunder (2)

Poster della serie Walker, Texas Ranger

As Trent tries to help out his family, and reconnect with his siblings especially his brother, Tommy, who felt that Trent deserted them. Walker tries to see if there is some kind of connection all the cops that were killed. Trivette gets a call from a cop, who has some info he would like to give him but asks that they meet in his place, when Trivette goes there, the killer has already killed the cop and shoots Trivette. Carlos was visiting Trent when the killer tries to kill Carlos but Trent saves him. After giving a decription of the man, Carlos thinks that it's a Metro cop named Rod Barkley. While Alex checks on him, Walker asks Carlos to explain who is this guy is and why is he killing all these cops. A few years ago, Carlos, the other cops and Barkley were chasing this motorist who was speeding. When he stopped, Barkley then proceeded to beat him up, eventually the other cops had to pull Barkley off the boy. When all of the other cops stated that there was no reason justifying Bark

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4 Maggio 1997
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