Pagina dell'episodio'

5x33 - Undressed

Episode 533

Poster della serie Undressed

Zack/Lee Zack faces a challenge when a football buddy, Lee tells him that he wants to quit the football team after he is sexually confused after dreaming about a kissing a guy. Zack pressures him to stay on the team, and Lee does so. Zack then explains to Lee that his parents are some kind of doctor and the books they have in their room might help. Mike/Shanna/Glenn Glenn gives advice to Shanna and give her a cock ring to put on her boyfriend, Mike. Shanna gives the cock ring to Mike, and he asks who gave her that idea. She tells him that it was Glenn, and he quickly withdraws from the whole cock ring idea. He quickly says he wants to get it off, and leaves for the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, he sees Glenn, and Glenn comments on how big his size grew. Mike feeling awkward, goes into the stall and tells Glenn that he wants to take it off. The problem is that he can't take if off. Glenn then gives him the liquid soap, and poofs, it comes off. Once things calmed down with Shanna a

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4 Settembre 2001
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