Pagina dell'episodio'

5x36 - Undressed

Episode 536

Poster della serie Undressed

Doreen/Kim When Kim's sister Emily arrives, Kim tells Doreen (Sachie Alessio) she can't tell her family she's gay. ""Aromatherapy"" Martha's out to prove that Hannah just likes sex, even without aromatherapy. Zack/Lee Zack calls Betsy, wanting to talk to her, saying that he is sorry acting the way he did, and they get back together. Zack explains that he and Lee were taking a test about brains, and he tells Betsy that he has a female brain, and that he thought he might be, ""you know..."". Betsy understands, and asks if that's the reason why Lee broke up with her girlfriend Zoe. But Lee interrupts Zack and Betsy, saying that he wants to talk about what happened yesterday. Betsy seeing that they need sometime alone, wants to leave but Zack tries to come up with an excuse to her to stay. But it doesn't work. Betsy still leaves, and Lee explains that Zack is avoiding him, and tells him that he wants to quit. Zack is mad, and Lee explains that he was just scared. But Zack still is mad

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17 Settembre 2001
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