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5x8 - The Incredible Dr. Pol

Santa Paws

Poster della serie The Incredible Dr. Pol

Twas the week before Christmas and all through the farms, Dr. Pol is still working inside the red barns! It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas in Michigan as Dr. Pol heads to John Jourdain's for his first farm call of the day. Without a head chute, the set-up for these castrations is less than ideal - but nothing Doc Pol can't handle. It's clear these calves aren't willing to surrender without a fight. Meanwhile, Dr. Brenda races out to Rooftop Landing, where a reindeer named Ole is aching for a chance to pull Santa's sleigh. December ‘tis also the season when reindeers breed, leaving this buck cruising for a mate, and on his feet almost all day long. This wouldn't be a problem if he didn't have a massive hoof abscess growing on his back right hoof. Will Dr. Brenda be able to get Ole's hoof healed up in time to join the reindeer games? The end of the week finds the Pols in the mood for some holiday cheer. With Dr. Pol and Diane as Grand Marshalls of the Farwell Lights Parade and Charles volunteering as Santa's helper elf - the family can finally celebrate the Christmas season together.

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11 Ottobre 2014
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