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6x10 - The Amazing Race

Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling?

Poster della serie The Amazing Race

The teams continue from their Pit Stop on the island of Corsica, France to the town of Nice (pronounced ""niece"") by ferry, where they then receive a clue telling them to get to Addis Ababa in Africa by plane. The teams tussle for flights at the airport, but chartered planes place them all no more than within a half-hour's distance of each other. Once in Addis Ababa, they receive a clue telling them that they must direct their taxi drivers to Lewz Village. Once they accomplish this, they find a Detour: Raise the Roof or Mud the Flat. Raise the Roof, which involves carrying a thatched roof 2/3 of a mile with the help of locals, seems to be a far better choice. Still, some teams choose to mud the flats, which involves sealing up a mud wall. A couple team-members get finger-cuts for their efforts. Next, the teams take donkeys to Saint George's Church, where a Yield and a Roadblock await them. The Roadblock involves receiving a pendant and searching a crowd of one hundred worshippers for a

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18 Gennaio 2005
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