Pagina dell'episodio'

6x15 - Undressed

Episode 615

Poster della serie Undressed

""Animal Love"" written by Erin Ploss, directed by Jean-Claude Lord Dressed as a Panda, Murray, tries to hurry in the elevator to hide from neighbors. He is only to be caught by a hot new neighbor, Brianne, who seems interested in him calling him names like ""Panda Boy."" She invites him to come over her place, and a few minutes after, he arrives at her place. She treats Murray like a real Panda, and gives him Bamboo (or Bamboo Shoots, to be exact). He is then shocked to realized she has a animal fetish. He then is forced to leave, when he uses the word fix, and in her world with the stuff animals, they don't like the word fix. ""Chloe Cam"" written by Lara McKinnon, directed by George Mihalka Chloe gets even with Chet, when she decides to go with the sex site, and Chet stops her, saying still that he feels uncomfortable seeing that other guys could watch it. They make up, he confesses his love for her, and they start to make out on her desk, accidentally turning the webcam on. Her hi

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12 Luglio 2002
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