Pagina dell'episodio'

6x17 - Walker, Texas Ranger

In God's Hands

Poster della serie Walker, Texas Ranger

Walker and Trivette are chasing some robbers; while Walker goes after two of them, Trivette goes after the third, Kroeger, the leader. Walker manages to grab one of them, Floy. Trivette follows Kroeger to a darkened area. Trivette sees that Kroeger is about to shoot, so he shoots back but from an awkward position. When he gets up he discovers that he shot a boy. The doctors don't think that it's wise to operate on him right now. Trivette goes before a review board, and the man investigating the shooting is Lieutenant Moffett, who has grudge against Trivette; it seems that the two of them were competing for the same Texas Ranger post and Trivette got it. Moffett discloses to the review board that he believes that Trivette acted irresponsibly. Walker, while believing in Trivette, says that he only heard one shot and postulates that Kroeger had a silencer on his gun. Trivette is suspended. He is crucified by the media. And he decides to drown his sorrows in the bottle. When Walker finds h

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28 Febbraio 1998
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