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6x22 - Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

A New Beginning

Poster della serie Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Mike's elation at Colleen's acceptance to medical school quickly turns to disappointment when Colleen chooses to marry Andrew instead. A bitter family argument erupts when Dr. Mike tells Colleen that she is less than overjoyed at her announcement and feels that the couple is rushing into marriage and should wait until Colleen completes medical school. Meanwhile, Robert E and Grace have wonderful news to share; the stock market crash hits Preston and the townsfolk hard; and Dorothy and Cloud Dancing reach a new level in their relationship. As part of the Network's 50th Anniversary celebration, classic footage of James Arness as legendary Marshal Matt Dillon of ""Gunsmoke"" is digitally integrated into this episode. When Jake breaks the news to Hank that he's accepted Preston's offer to buy his share of the Golden Nugget that would make him partners with the despised Preston,

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16 Maggio 1998
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