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6x26 - Undressed

Episode 626

Poster della serie Undressed

""Ticket To Ride"" written by Lisa Branch, directed by George Mihalka Madeliene finds out about Jasmine's invention, and thinks it's neat. Seth tells Madeliene that he can't accept the money, but she insits. He doesn't accept it, and tells Jasmine about it. Jasmine pushs Seth to take the money. In the midst of the night, Seth catches Daryl in Jasmine's bed, and tells Madeliene about it, and they decide to trick them, by telling Daryl and Jasmine about their love that they fell for while doing this. Madeliene and Seth leaves with suit cases, and Daryl tells Jasmine at least they could be together, but she reveals that he was just a fling. Seth who gives Madeliene her suit case, in which he faked by holding hers. He then decides joins her, and they both leave for London. [This segment ends] ""Boys On The Side"" written by Lisa Branch, directed by Jean-Claude Lord Amy and Jodi practices their kiss scene while, Sam (who has no speaking lines) and the guys watches them. They really get t

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29 Luglio 2002
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