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6x9 - Walker, Texas Ranger

Mr. Justice

Poster della serie Walker, Texas Ranger

When it appears that sending criminals to prison is not working, Walker suggests a new program that targets late teens or early twenty year olds. So Alex presents Walker's proposal to Senator Kay Hutchinson, who thinks that it should be considered but Commissioner Simpson, who thinks that the only solution is to build more prisons, and is also planning to ask more funds to build more prisons, and knows that Walker's proposal will jeopardize that, doesn't support it. But the Senator decides to give Walker a chance and assigns deputy Commissioner Luther Dobbs to evaluate it to see if it's feasible. So ten youthful criminals are brought to CAMP JUSTICE, where Walker and Trivette greet with the speech that the have an opportunity to turn their lives around or end up in Huntsville prison. Walker begins by making them run whenever they start acting up or be insolent. The next day Walker gives a speech about making ""smart"" choices. Walker then tries to get them into gardening; one of the boys

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22 Novembre 1997
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