Pagina dell'episodio'

7x14 - My Parents Are Aliens

The Tail Of The Knitted Map

Poster della serie My Parents Are Aliens

Josh needs an alibi from Harry to cover himself from some misdemeanor, but Harry of course refuses. Trent advises him he might have more success if he broke a habit of a lifetime and tried being nice to her. He gives it his best shot-but to no avail. Sophie causes Lucy yet more embarrassment-this time at the swimming baths where she makes a fool of herself sinking instead of swimming. Sophie takes herself off to the river to practice and morphs a spectacular tail but fails to morph back owing to the pollution of the water. As a result the family have to cope with a new Sophie in mermaid mode. And she has a spectacular effect-not least on Andy The Freak. Fed up with losing to CJ from Hide-And-Seek, Brian changes the geography of the house and causes chaos for the whole family. This is the only other episode where the bathroom in the Barker/Johnston household is seen.

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2 Dicembre 2005
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