Pagina dell'episodio'

7x2 - Sharpe

Sharpe's Peril (2)

Poster della serie Sharpe

It's India, 1818 and Lt Col Richard Sharpe and Sergeant Major Patrick Harper are travelling across India, escorting the beautiful Marie-Angelique Bonnet to meet her fiancée. While in bandit-plagued badlands, they come across the very dregs of the Crown's troops; an ill disciplined, rag-tag unit led by boy soldier Beauclare. As Sharpe and company sit down to have dinner with their hosts, the camp comes under attack by the notorious bandit Chitu. As the dust settles, it becomes apparent there have been many casualties and Sharpe realises that he is the only person now capable of getting this wagon train to the safety of the next army garrison. Little does Sharpe know that the adventure has only just begun and that he has inadvertently stumbled across a massive opium trafficking ring...

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9 Novembre 2008
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