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7x207 - Santa Barbara

Episode 1573

Poster della serie Santa Barbara

Quinn is furious that Flame visited CC lawyer and found out that CC disinheriting Kelly was a hoax and that Debra was not going to tell him. Mason goes on about Dash's background at the award ceremony. Cruz tells Harland that he has information linking him to the explosion. Ric tells Harland that he is his son. Dash says he did not kill Eileen, he was relieved from his duties during surgery and did not lose his medical license. Craig shows up at the yacht and Kelly tells him that Robert stood her up. Julia is furious at Mason for drinking. Robert drops a note as he arrives at the yacht and tells Kelly he was wondering why she did not meet at the airport, which is what the note said to do. Mason asks Julia to pay more attention to him. Mason tells Julia she is being naïve where Dash is concerned. CC asks Kelly to have her wedding at the house and Kelly declines.

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22 Ottobre 1990
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