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7x5 - The Wonderful World of Disney

Naughty or Nice

Poster della serie The Wonderful World of Disney

Henry Ramiro (George Lopez) is the reigning shock jock of Chicago sports radio who earns his living being rude. That is, until a young listener, Michael (James Kirk), with a life threatening illness, forces Henry into a deal to be nicer on the air for just one day. He's amazed to discover that his false positive energy seems to be having an impact - the teenaged boy's health starts to improve, as do the local sports teams' scores. But Henry's new persona has made him the target of constant ridicule by a competing shock jock, The Hitman (Roger Lodge). While Henry's bosses certainly aren't happy with him, he's got other problems as well - his years of rudeness have taken a toll on his wife, Diana (Lisa Vidal) and daughter, Olivia (Bianca Collins), and they're just not buying his sudden change of attitude. When his family ultimately leaves him, Henry is about to give up, until his fans unite and prove to him that Christmas miracles really can happen. (Synopsis from ABC)

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11 Dicembre 2004
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