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7x8 - The Incredible Dr. Pol

Knights of the Round Stable

Poster della serie The Incredible Dr. Pol

It's another busy week for Pol Veterinary Services. Across town, there's a stalled labor at McConnell Farms, which gets doubly complicated after the team realizes the mother is birthing twins. Every minute is critical, especially with a twin calving, so Dr. Emily calls Dr. Pol for a little lesson on his way to handle it. Back at the clinic, Marshall the pig arrives with his new family. Marshall's feisty as can be, and with a squeal to match. His owner, Kassie, hopes Dr. Pol can figure out what's causing this piglet's tantrums. Over at the Michigan Renaissance Festival, Dr. Pol takes a look at the hooves of a limping horse named Maverick, a jousting giant scheduled to compete at that day's tournament. Will Dr. Pol be able to help this stoic steed in time for the show?

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12 Settembre 2015
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