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8x5 - HGTV Star

Sorority vs. Fraternity

Poster della serie HGTV Star

The five remaining Designers find themselves on a major college campus, where host and mentor David Bromstad tells them that they have just three days to make over the main room in a sorority and a fraternity house. It's boys against girls as the male Designers take on the fraternity, and the women work on the sorority. While the Designers race to make over their spaces, they must also showcase their TV hosting skills in the Camera Challenge. This week they must work on camera with another person for the first time, as they teach a home improvement task to one of their sorority sisters or fraternity brothers. The finished rooms are evaluated by the Panel: Genevieve Gorder, Vern Yip and Sabrina Soto. And they are also revealed to the students, who react energetically to the transformations. One Designer is chosen as this week's winner, and another is eliminated from the competition, leaving only four in the running for the grand prize: their own show on HGTV.

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7 Luglio 2013
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