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8x93 - The Ellen DeGeneres Show

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Poster della serie The Ellen DeGeneres Show

In the past few months, Ellen has been following all the drama on "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills." Today, she's getting down to the details when TAYLOR ARMSTRONG, CAMILLE GRAMMER, ADRIENNE MALOOF, KYLE RICHARDS and LISA VANDERPUMP all stop by. If there's one thing Ellen has learned, it's that when all the housewives are here -- anything goes! Everyone is talking about DARREN CRISS! He's the hottest new cast member on "Glee," and today he's stopping by to visit Ellen for the first time. He became a celebrity overnight -- and he has the stories to go with it! Ellen tracked down the world's fastest violinist, OLIVER LEWIS, all the way over in Ireland and wanted to fly him here for you to see. He broke the Guinness World Record by performing "Flight of the Bumblebee" in 1 minute and 3 seconds, but that's not good enough for him! He'll attempt to break his own record right here with Ellen!

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2 Febbraio 2011
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