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1x11 - I Dream

And the Living is Easy

Poster della serie I Dream

Patrick has a right mood with everyone and starts on Felix, to hurry up to singing class. Felix complains to Ollie, until everyone is in class where everyone coaches their voices, Patrick tells them to try again as it's not good enough. Felix then makes a comment about Natalie, which Patrick doesn't take kindly. Telling everyone to start from the beginning, Felix stands his ground and says no. As Patrick piles his work load, Calvin and Amy stick up for him to then get detention with Felix. Then Natalie kisses arse, to then also get detention. The group then think up a protest, and Rochelle, Stacey, Amy, Felix and Natalie yell for the 5 to be free. Toone talks this over with Patrick and Analie, where Toone sides with the students. Patrick has a go at Toone and then walks out, after students refuse to do lessons and keep up with the timetable. Toone on the other hand thinks that this is a good idea,and lets all the students at Avalon do what they want. Calvin starts singing, and everyone

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2 Dicembre 2004
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